New blog!

Hi guys! I am on Day 9 of my journey and going strong. Down 15 lb in total. This journey has been amazing so far, and I actually decided to buy my own domain and started a new blog.

Please check it out! Looking forward to keeping up with everyone’s progress! 🙂

Days 6-7

Starting Weight: 190 lb
Today’s Weight: 178.2 lb
Weight Lost: 11.8 lb

I have officially gone from the 190’s, to the 180’s and crossed into the 170’s all within a one week span. The human body really is an amazing thing isn’t it?

I felt great all weekend, just kept those jars of juice coming. My local supermarket ran out of kale (oh noooo) so I switched it up with collard greens and my juice is much sweeter. For some reason I haven’t really been experimenting with juices as much as I thought I’d be, I’ve settled into a nice steady routine with the mean green.

When I am done this fast I really want to learn to cook good healthy meals. I grew up in a European household where everything is slathered with mayonnaise, butter and oil! When I started dating my boyfriend he was shocked to see that even our salads have mayonnaise on them!

By no means is my weight gain my family’s fault, but it definitely took me a long time to realize that you can cook delicious things without everything being fully loaded. Although I will miss deep fried perogies, lets be serious.

Happy juicing!


Day 5

Starting Weight: 190 lb
Today’s Weight: 180.8 lb
Weight Lost: 9.2 lb

I volunteer on Saturday’s at the Humane Society and it keeps me on my feet and moving. I made a big batch of mean green juice in the morning, and added carrot instead of lemon and it make it delicious! It was the first time I genuinely enjoyed drinking the juice so I was quite happy.

After the Humane Society I had to pick up my parents from the airport, and had prepared for this by leaving a juice in my cold car which I chugged on the way. I was so pleased with my foresight to do this, but didn’t realize how long I’d be at their house after and my stomach felt so empty. So I ran to the grocery store and came home and made some more juice. Overall my energy level has been great today, and I’m feeling pretty damn good. I feel like I can actually do this and I’m going strong. Now I’m sipping some tea, reading a good book and very content.

I’ve decided that the timeline for my fast is going to be 45 days, because I have a trip to Montreal at the end of February and plan to sample some of the local cuisine! Once I am back, I will continue eating clean and incorporating juicing into my daily routine.

Happy juicing!

Days 3-4

Starting Weight: 190 lb
Today’s Weight: 181.2 lb
Weight Lost: 8.8 lb

Yesterday was a bit touch and go, but this morning I’m feeling pretty fantastic. I’m hoping this means the initial detox phase and symptoms have passed and that I can go into auto pilot from now on.

Doing this fast has made me realize how food is closely connected to my social life. When I see my friends, we go out to lunch. Out to a bar. We order pizza in and drink wine all night. I’ve been turning down many surprised people this week, offering to go for tea instead.

Since its freezing in Toronto this week, I’ve decided to stay in all weekend and catch up on all my reading. I have a pile of books begging to have their spines cracked. Probably wont weigh in until Monday, hopefully will continue to see a dip over the weekend.

Happy juicing!


Day 2

Starting Weight: 190 lb
Today’s Weight: 184.8 lb
Weight Lost: 5.2 lb

I have officially survived Day 2. It hasn’t been easy, I’ve had a debilitating headache all day. As far as I know, this is due to the caffeine withdrawal. According to everyone Day 3 should be smoother!

On a more positive note, I am down 5.2 pounds in 2 days which brings me one step closer to my goal of losing 65 pounds. Only 60 more to go!

Today I had 3 servings of Mean Green, and at lunch I went to Jugo juice for a Kale/Berry juice. I haven’t been adding much fruit into my juice and I really just needed something to get me through the day. They also have an all veggie juice, but I find they put too much beet in it, making it taste really earthy. May ask them to tone it down on the ratio.

Although the day was a bit rough, I am feeling a burst of energy now and am proud of myself for getting this far. I really believe that getting through the first week will be the biggest hurdle and then hopefully I will be so excited about my weight loss that it will keep me moving forward!

Have decided that after the 60 days I will reward myself with going to the hairdresser and dying my hair to complete the transformation, getting a massage and facial, getting a mani/pedi and buying a sweater I’ve been eyeing for awhile. Figure this will motivate me to keep on going.

Happy Juicing!

image(1)                                                                   All the veggies that went into my Mean Green juice today!

Day 1

So I kept true to my promise, and began the new year with lots of juice. The night before we had a belated Christmas/New Years Eve dinner so I went out with a bang. Had turkey with cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mhm! I also had to sit through my boyfriend eating all the leftovers today. In the past he’s been very supportive about drinking juice with me, but today he wanted nothing of it.

So I woke up today and whipped up some Mean Green.  This is the official recipe used by Joe Cross and Phil Staples according to the Reboot Program:

6 Kale Leaves
1 Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
1 piece of ginger

I’ve been playing around with the ratios of this recipe, so I add a little extra lemon to cut through the grassy taste, as well as a bit of extra cucumber for the lightness. I made a double portion of the above, so I poured the rest into air tight mason jars and put them in the fridge so I could sip on them all day.

Tomorrow is my first day back at work and I am waking up early to juice, and will be bringing two jars to work. I have a mildly irritating headache going on at the moment, but other than that going steady. Will do my first weigh in tomorrow morning.

Happy Juicing!


New Year, new start!

On January 1st, 2013 I will be embarking on a 60-day juice fast. I am so sick of being tired, and tired of being sick. The weight has steadily crept up on me over the course of 4 years, and I can’t be complacent any longer.

I’m hovering around the 200 pound mark, and in my head that is the point of no return.

So why a juice fast? As many others have, I watched Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead which is about a gentleman named Joe Cross who completes a 60-day juice fat and loses a shitload of weight. It really appealed to me because I always tend to choose diets that include putting myself into starvation mode, and ultimately lead to failure.

I not only want to be skinny, I also want to be healthy. And that is why I feel that I am ready to succeed and change my life. I want to change my lifestyle, no more quick fixes.

The premise of the fast will be 60 days of nothing but freshly prepared vegetable juice, combined with a maximum of 20% fruit for flavour. I will also be adding chia seed, flax seed and dieter’s tea into my fast, ensuring that my body is getting rid of toxin buildup as I go.

I have decided to share my experiences online, as when I was doing research about juice fasting I found it really helpful to read people’s blogs and hope that maybe my own blog could help someone out in their journey!


Also if you’ve never watched this documentary I highly recommend it!